APK Editor Pro Mod APK Hello, Friends Today we have come up with a very important application for you, which is becoming very important for almost every android phone and everyone else today, yes, today we talk about the APK Editor Pro APK now editor means that you can help this application.
Table of contents
Introduce about Apk Editor Pro
APK Editor is an app that allows you to do exactly what your name says: edit any APK that is saved on your device. And if you don't have the APK, you can remove it from any app you've installed.
Free download the latest version of APK Editor Pro - v5.0.24 Apk Premium Unlocked [Paid] for android from Apkazure with direct link.
You can choose between two types of editing with APK Editor: FULL EDIT, which allows you to reconstruct files from an APK; and SIMPLE EDIT, which allows you to replace files within an APK. The first is a much more complex and demanding process, whereas the second type of editing is much easier.
Whatever type you choose, you will soon realize that editing any aspect of an APK is extremely easy. You can change the background image of an app, add or delete languages or even delete licenses. Everything depends on how competent you are.
What's New of APK Editor Pro
APK Editor Ultra 5.0.7
Update O3-08-2021:
- Added two blue and red amoled themes.
- Fixed an error issue in the current activity.
- Added device info and ram killer [activity apk info] dialog in eader.
- Added menu button to open some apps [activity apk info] in header.
- Updating smali 2.5.2
- Updating baksmali 2.5.2
- Updating jadx
- Updating javax
- Updating activity types
- Updating google base
- Updating jcommander •Updating androidx, android jar and aapt Improve app performance
APK Editor Ultra 5.0.6
Update 29-07-2021:
- Fixed AlI Error Theme Issues
- Added 2 Light Themes
- Fixed some smali editing errors
- Fixed Patch Error
- Fast Adding When Editing and building
- Reducing Size
APK Editor Ultra 5.0.5
Update 27-07-2021:
- Remove elite
- Fixed get signature
- Added color converter and text converter in editing Removed some encryption to further optimize app performance
- Reduce app size
APK Editor Ultra 5.0.4
Update 25-07-2021:
- Improve app performance and reduce app size Does not use any protection only encrypt strings for optimal application performance
- Fixed editing issues in the ARSC editor
- Added Elite ( to delete all data in sdcard ) Please Don't Open
APK Editor Ultra 5.0.2
Update 15-07-2021:
- Added theme dark red and fixed theme error and theme not working
- Added a custom debug popping up a dialog when the app has an error or stops when opening or while editing Fixed build and fixed progress when building [Simple Edit]
- Fixed build and fix progress when building [Common Edit]
- Fixed dex error when cloning apps [Common Edit)
- Added a simple arsc editor feature, you extract the .arsc file in your internal then open the arsc editor and edit and save [Not Working in Large Size], and add language translator in the arsc editor feature [Not Always Workingl
- Fixed errors in editing smali
- Changes in home when selecting button style in settings Changes loading style when pressing smali and fixed it Support language English, Hindi, Indonesia, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Turkish, Bengali, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian
APK Editor Ultra 5.0.0
Released 29-06-2021:
- Fixed All Problems.
- Fixed Navigation Error.
- FIxed parser error when cloning.
- Fixed Simple Edit Problem.
- Fixed the problem of saving in Simple Edit.
- Updating Aapt, jar, jadx and smali.
- Added three themes, default, light, dark, black. and fixed all theme issues.
- Added apk extract feature and supports split apks.
- Fixed converter issues apk, xapk, apkm.
- Added Animation While Scrolling List, there are thirteen animation options.
- Fixed Text Converter Support Base64, Ascii, Binary and Octal.
- Updated the color converter, small to color, and color to smali.
- Updating Current Activity With Added Widget.
- Updating Get Signature, Apk Signature, Verify Signature and Data Base.
- Added Two Button Style Options On Home. Added Splash Screen With Two Seconds Duration.
- Updated Loading Style With Animated Spinkit.
- Updating Build Speed And Decompile.
- Updating Apk Signature.
Download Apk Editor Pro APK for Android
You can APK Editor Pro APK download it from the Google Play store but when you do it on the Google Play store. If you search, you can find many other applications there that can put you in confusion, so you can download it from our website itself by not reading these fret, you can download freely from our website and how to download it.
Available Versions of Apk Editor Pro
Today in this post, we told you about the great features of Apk Editor Pro Mod APK that you must have liked. I have given you the direct download link, through which you will download this application on your Android device and then install this application on your Android device as described below. Do you find helpful applications and mods on our website, if you find great applications on our website, then do share this post and tell us your Telegram You can tell by joining Thank you.!